People make our name
Since 1880, we share our scientific know-how towards improving well-being, health and beauty around the world. We design, produce and market high-quality pharmaceutical excipients and natural cosmetic ingredients, based on a deep understanding of our customers' needs.
Personal Care
We are experts in two complementary fields: lipids and plant chemistry. This know-how enables us to meet the latest market trends in both natural performing actives and functional ingredients, recognized for their sensorial benefits.
We offer innovative lipid excipients and personalized technical support, provided by fully trained experts to accelerate customers’ development programs, for pharmaceutical and veterinary drugs, as well as dietary supplements.
- Personal care
Understanding Skin Aging: Insights from the 18th Symposium of the French Society of Cosmetology
This Tuesday, December 10, Chloé Lorion, engineer & coordinator of R&D projects in cellular biology, spoke at the 18th Symposium of the French Society of Cosmetology on the theme of skin aging.
- Corporate
Inauguration of our new premises and Technical Center of Excellence in Mumbai, India.
India is a strategic country for the business development of the Gattefossé Group. To support this growing market, we continues to invest in the opening of new offices and state-of-the-art Technical Center of Excellence.
- Personal care
Color Pulse: New Makeup Collection
Gattefossé strengthens its position in makeup with its latest collection of formulas.