Nos publications

Bigels: case studies of an innovative topical dosage form

  • Poster

ABCF Congress - nov 2024

Delphine Pélisson, Manon Rossano, Paulo Cunha, Kelly Bueno, Philippe Caisse, Elise Dauphin-Chanard

Adherence to treatments is a key challenge for topical formulations. Bigels, formulated with Emulfree® Duo are an innovative dosage form that can combine both hydrophilic and lipophilic active ingredients in a stable, moisturizing, and easily spreadable formulation. This study showcases three different placebo bigels formulations.

Rheology as a tool for characterizing topical product formulations: impact of solubilizer variation on stability and structure

  • Poster

CRS - jui 2024

Manon Rossano, Delphine Pélisson, Elise Dauphin-Chanard, Philippe Caisse

The use of solubilizers in a topical formulation helps solubilization of poorly soluble APIs. Therefore, it is essential to have a formulation chassis that can be modulated to incorporate this quantity of solubilizer. In this poster, the influence of different excipients as solubilizers and their variation on the stability and rheological properties of topical creams is investigated.

Formulating pharmaceutical topical dosage forms with high level of solvents and minimal quantity of water

  • Poster

PBP - mar 2024

Delphine Pélisson, Elise Dauphin-Chanard

This poster dives into the formulation of topical dosage forms containing the maximum amount of solvent and the minimum amount of water, while ensuring their stability upon storage.