Nos publications

In vitro lipolysis tests on lipid nanoparticles: comparison between lipase/co-lipase and pancreatic extract.

  • Scientific publication

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy - Volume 41 - Issue 10 - 2015

Jannin V, Dellera E Chevrier S, Chavant Y, Voutsinas C, Bonferoni C, Demarne F.

Toward the Establishment of Standardized In Vitro Tests for Lipid-Based Formulations. 5. Lipolysis of Representative Formulations by Gastric Lipase

  • Scientific publication

Pharmaceutical Research volume 32, pages 1279–1287 DOI: 10.1007/s11095-014-1532-y  - avr 2015

Bakala-N’Goma, J.C., Williams, H.D., Sassene, P., Kleberg, K., Calderone, M., Jannin, V., Igonin, A., Partheil, A., Marchaud, D., Jule, E., Vertommen, J., Maio, M., Blundell, R., Benameur, H., Müllertz, A., Pouton, C.W., Porter, C.J.H., Carrière, F.