Nos publications

Gelucire® 48/16: a solid surfactant for tablets

  • Whitepaper

Pharma Times, Vol. 48 – N° 11 – pp 17-22  - nov 2016

Ketkee Deshmukh and Chhanda Kapadia

This article describes Gelucire® 48/16 – a novel pegylated lipid excipient, and its use as a solid surfactant for solubility enhancement. 

Impact of hot and wet granulation techniques on Compritol® 888 ATO lipid matrices for extended release of highly water soluble high dose API

  • Poster

CRS Annual Meeting – Seattle (2016)  - 2016

Ketkee Deshmukh, Chhanda Kapadia, Agnivesh Shrivastava, Gayatri Khanvilkar, Pradnya Vaingankar and Purnima Amin

The poster describes the formulation of sustained release tablets with Metformin HCl (a well-known oral antihyperglycemic) using Compritol® 888 ATO as a sustained release agent. Different granulation techniques were evaluated to elucidate the impact of formulation and process on tablet properties and drug release. The objective was to determine a simple process that enables the production of ‘smaller’ tablets, using less excipients, whilst maintaining therapeutic drug dose and obtaining drug release which passes Pharmacopeial specifications. 

Continuous twin screw melt granulation of glyceryl behenate: Development of controlled release tramadol hydrochloride tablets for improved safety.

  • Scientific publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 487, Issues 1–2, Pages 72-80 - jui 2015

Keen JM, Foley CJ, Hughey JR, Bennett RC, Jannin V, Rosiaux Y, Marchaud D, McGinity JW.

The objective of this study was to develop a continuous granulation process for direct production of granules using this technique with glyceryl behenate as a binder, evaluate the properties of the resulting granules and develop controlled release tablets containing tramadol HCl.

Optimizing a wet granulation process to obtain high-dose sustained-release tablets with Compritol® 888 ATO.

  • Scientific publication

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Volume 41 - Issue 10 - fév 2015

Yvonne Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud

This study demonstrates how a wet granulation with Compritol® 888 is an effective approach to improve material flow and compressibility. High-dose lipid matrix tablets with sustained release profiles were successfully produced.

High Drug Load Lipid Matrix Tablets Prepared by Wet Granulation: PART II – Process Parameters

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA)  - nov 2013

Yvonne Cuppok-Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud

High Drug Load Lipid Matrix Tablets Prepared by Wet Granulation: PART I – Formulation Parameters

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA)  - nov 2013

Yvonne Cuppok-Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud