Nos publications
Gelucire 48/16® for Type-IV Lipid Based Formulations and Their In Vitro In Vivo Performance Evaluation
AAPS PharmSci360 – San Antonion (USA) - nov 2019
Successful oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs both depends on the intraluminal behavior of drugs and of appropriate advanced drug delivery systems
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 137, 104967, ISSN 0928-0987, - sep 2019
In this excellent review article issued from the UNGAP program (European Network on Understanding Gastro-intestinal Absorption-related Process) you will find relevant and up-to-date information on:
Poorly water soluble drugs and the link between physico-chemical properties and solubility, lipophilicity and permeability
Technologies to increase solubility and dissolution rate: salt formation, amorphous solid dispersions, lipid-based formulations
How to avoid precipitation and create a concentration gradient to improve absorption
Methods for modelling the performance such as Molecular Dynamics Simulations
In vitro methods for solubility and dissolution assessments
Methods to explore the absorption in the GI tract: GI concentration-time profile, in vitro digestion, in vitro models coupling dissolution and permeation, mucus diffusion
Impact of molecularly dissolved drug versus apparently dissolved drug (ie in colloidal structure)
A snapshot of lipid excipients for topical formulations
Pharma Times – Vol. 51 – No. 59 - sep 2019
Lipid excipients in pharmaceutical technologies
Nabil FARAH and Joel DENIS
Lipidic excipients in drug delivery for solubility and bioavailability enhancement
Prashantkumar K. PARMAR, Srilaxmi G. RAO, Arvind KK. BANSAL
From exploration of lipids to its exploitation in market: Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals and Herbal
Saurabh ARORA, Abhinav GARG, Karishma KAPOOR
A snapshot of lipid excipients for topical formulations
Strategic lipid-based delivery interventions for enhancing oral bioavailability of BCS II/IV drugs
Teenu SHARMA, Ranjot KAUR, Sumant SAINI, Atul JAIN, Bhupinder SINGH
Unleashing role of excipients in overcoming formulation challenges
Role of lipid excipients in oral sustained release drug delivery systems
Divya JAIN, Namita DESAI

Understanding The Role Of In Vitro And In Vivo Evaluation Techniques In Determining the Performance of Lipid-Based Formulations
CRS Annual Meeting – Valencia (Spain) - jui 2019
In this case study using curcuminoids as model drug, the authors show that in vitro lipolysis test is a useful tool to predict in vivo performance
Colloidal aspects of dispersion and digestion of self-dispersing lipid-based formulations for poorly water-soluble drugs
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Volume 142, Pages 16-34 - mai 2019
In this review article, the authors explain the importance of the colloidal structures formed during dispersion and digestion of self emulsifying lipid-based formulations on drug solubilization and absorption.
A review of the techniques used to characterize the colloidal structures is also carried out.