Nos publications

Estimating in vivo drug release from a new theophylline Compritol® 888 ATO matrix formulation using appropriate biorelevant test methods

  • Poster

CRS Annual Meeting – Chicago (USA)  - jui 2014

N. Fotaki, C. M. Long, Y. Rosiaux, D. Marchaud, Grzegorz Garbacz, S. Lange and S. Klein

A tunable Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-culture model mimicking variable permeabilities of the human intestine obtained by an original seeding procedure

  • Scientific publication

European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 87, Issue 2, Pages 290-298 - jui 2014

Arnaud Béduneau, Camille Tempesta, Stéphane Fimbel, Yann Pellequer, Vincent Jannin, Frédéric Demarne , Alf Lamprecht

Colour coating of Compritol® 888 ATO matrix tablets: a feasability study

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Diego (USA)  - 2014

Yvonne Rosiaux, Susanne Muschert, Delphine Marchaud

Establishment of a binary phase diagrams database for the development of self-emulsifying lipid-based formulations

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Diego (USA)  - 2014

Jannin, Vincent; Benhaddou, Hamza; Dumont, Camille; Chevrier, Stéphanie; Chavant, Yann; Demarne, Frédéric

Formulation of a self-emulsifying lipid formulation of curcumin

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting & Exposition – San Diego (USA)  - 2014

Vincent Jannin, Camille Dumont, Hamza Benhaddou, Stéphanie Chevrier, Yann Chavant, Christophe Voutsinas, Frédéric Demarne

Rectal route in the 21st century to treat children.

  • Scientific publication

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Volume 73, Pages 34-49 - jui 2014

Jannin, V., Lemagnen, G, Gueroult, P., Larrouture, D., Tuleu, C.

Polyoxylglycerides and glycerides: Effects of manufacturing parameters on API stability, excipient functionality and processing

  • Scientific publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 466, Issues 1–2, Pages 109-121 - mai 2014

Vincent Jannin, Jean-David Rodier, Jasmine Musakhanian

Smart strategies for sustained release matrix tablets: Compritol® 888 ATO

  • Whitepaper

OutsourcingPharma - mai 2014


This white paper gives an overview of how Compritol® 888 ATO provides clinically relevant sustained drug release profiles along with biopharmaceutical, formulation and manufacturing advantages.

Measuring solubility performance of skin penetration enhancers for three anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Poster

PBP World Meeting – Vienna (Austria)  - mar 2014

D. Marchaud, E. Dauphin-Chanard, D. Hoste, C. Miolane