Nos publications

Precision Engineering of Lipid-Based Nanosystems via Impingement Jet Mixing

  • Poster

PBP - mar 2024

M. Zettl, C. Tetyczka, C. Glader, R. Jeitler, S. Stephan, M. Segl, Y. Wang, P. Caisse, V. Bourgeaux, M. Spoerk, E. Roblegg, J. Khinast

Formulation Components' Role in Shaping Continuous Nanocarrier Production through Impingement Jet Mixing

  • Poster

PBP - mar 2024

C. Tetyczka, M. Zettl, C. Glader, R. Jeitler, S. Stephan, M. Segl, Y. Wang, P. Caisse, V. Bourgeaux, M. Spoerk, J. Khinast, E. Roblegg

Flash nanoemulsification with impingement jet mixing is a technique used to produce nanocarriers. This study optimized the nanocarrier formulation to facilitate the manufacturing process and monitoring.

Implementation of an at-line nanoparticle size analyzer in a continuous nano-manufacturing line considering critical measurement and process conditions

  • Poster

PBP - mar 2024

C. Glader, R. Jeitler, N. Cacic, Y. Wang, C. Tetyczka, M. Zettl, J. Khinast, M. Rossano, S. Mesite, M. Lübbert, E. Roblegg

Nanopharmaceuticals' size is a critical quality attribute. This work provides insights about the implementation of an at-line particle size analyzer in a continuous manufacturing line of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC).

Establishment of a continuous inline-monitored nano-production line using the Microfluidizer® technology for the fabrication of safe lipid-based nanoparticles

  • Scientific publication

Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin - sep 2023

Christina Glader, Ramona Jeitler, Yan Wang, Carolin Tetyczka, Manuel Zettl, Johannes Khinast, Manon Rossano, Steve Mesite, Matthias Lübbert, Eva Roblegg

Nano-drug delivery systems (NDDS) serve as a promising platform in modern medicine, facilitating the targeted delivery of drugs due to their versatile size, structure, and composition. However, the current industrial production of NDDS relies on cumbersome batch processes that are costly, difficult to scale, and lack adequate control. This study focuses on enhancing industrial-scale production through the development and testing of a continuous top-down production line, utilizing scalable Microfluidizer® technology for solvent-free preparation of lipid-based nanoparticles.

Lipid-based nanocarriers for oral delivery of peptides

  • Scientific publication

OCL, Volume 29, 1 - jan 2022

Camille Dumont

Solid lipid nanocarriers to increase oral bioavailability of the peptide Leuprolide

  • Poster

PBP World Meeting  - 2021

Camille Dumont, Vincent Jannin, Sandrine Bourgeois, Ana Beloqui, Véronique Préat, Hatem Fessi

Solid lipid Nanocarriers diffuse effectively through mucus and enter intestinal cells – but where is my peptide?

  • Scientific publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 586, 119581 - aou 2020

Camille Dumont, Ana Beloqui, Cédric Miolane, Sandrine Bourgeois, Véronique Préat, Hatem Fessi, Vincent Jannin

This study aimed to evaluate the potential of Hydrophobic Ion Pairing combined with Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) to improve peptide transport across the intestinal border using Caco-2 cell monolayers (enterocyte-like model) and Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-cultured monolayers (mucin-secreting model).
This study showed that hydrophobic ion pairing enabled high encapsulation efficiency of peptide in SLN and NLC. The lipid-based nanocarriers were highly internalized by Caco-2 cell monolayers and were able to cross the mucus barrier (Caco-2/HT29-MTX cell model). However, the peptide intestinal transport was limited by an extensive release from the carriers.

Solid lipid nanocarrier development toolbox for increasing oral bioavailability of API

  • Whitepaper

American Pharma Review, May-June 2020 issue, pp 69-75 - mai 2020

Camille Dumont

In this comprehensive article, the author describes the latest tools available to develop solid lipid nanoparticles: how to prepare and characterize solid lipid nanoparticles, how to evaluate encapsulation efficiency and intestinal permebility.

A proof-of-concept for developing oral lipidized peptide Nanostructured Lipid Carrier formulations

  • Scientific publication

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 54, 101394 - déc 2019

Camille Dumont, Vincent Jannin, Cédric Miolane, Quentin Lelong, Jean-Pierre Valour, Sebastien Urbaniak, Hatem Fessib, Sandrine Bourgeois

A proof-of-concept for developing oral lipidized peptide Nanostructured Lipid Carrier formulations