Nos publications

A proof-of-concept for developing oral lipidized peptide Nanostructured Lipid Carrier formulations

  • Scientific publication

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 54, 101394 - déc 2019

Camille Dumont, Vincent Jannin, Cédric Miolane, Quentin Lelong, Jean-Pierre Valour, Sebastien Urbaniak, Hatem Fessib, Sandrine Bourgeois

A proof-of-concept for developing oral lipidized peptide Nanostructured Lipid Carrier formulations

In vitro evaluation of leuprolide-containing solid lipid-based nanosuspensions: ability to encapsulate, release, protect and permeate in the gastrointestinal tract

  • Poster

AAPS PharmSci360 – San Antonion (USA)  - nov 2019

Dumont C., Jannin V., Beloqui A., Préat V., Fessi H.c, Bourgeois S.

In this study the authors obtained solid lipid nanoparticles using high pressure homogeneization, in which leuprolide was included as an ion pair. The nanoparticles were shown to be internalized by Caco-2 and Caco-2/HT29-MTX cell monolayers. 

In Vitro Studies Indicate Promising Properties Of Solid Lipid Nanosuspensions for oral peptide delivery

  • Poster

CRS Annual Meeting – Valencia (Spain)  - jui 2019

Camille Dumont, Ana Beloqui, Sandrine Bourgeois, Véronique Préat, Hatem Fessi, Vincent Jannin

In-vitro evaluation of solid lipid nanoparticles: Ability to encapsulate, release and ensure effective protection of peptides in the gastrointestinal tract

  • Scientific publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 565, Pages 409-418 - jui 2019

Camille Dumont, Sandrine Bourgeois, Hatem Fessib, Pierre-Yves Dugas, Vincent Jannin