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Impact of hot and wet granulation techniques on Compritol® 888 ATO lipid matrices for extended release of highly water soluble high dose API

  • Poster

CRS Annual Meeting – Seattle (2016)  - 2016

Ketkee Deshmukh, Chhanda Kapadia, Agnivesh Shrivastava, Gayatri Khanvilkar, Pradnya Vaingankar and Purnima Amin

The poster describes the formulation of sustained release tablets with Metformin HCl (a well-known oral antihyperglycemic) using Compritol® 888 ATO as a sustained release agent. Different granulation techniques were evaluated to elucidate the impact of formulation and process on tablet properties and drug release. The objective was to determine a simple process that enables the production of ‘smaller’ tablets, using less excipients, whilst maintaining therapeutic drug dose and obtaining drug release which passes Pharmacopeial specifications. 

Optimizing a wet granulation process to obtain high-dose sustained-release tablets with Compritol® 888 ATO.

  • Scientific publication

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Volume 41 - Issue 10 - Feb 2015

Yvonne Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud

This study demonstrates how a wet granulation with Compritol® 888 is an effective approach to improve material flow and compressibility. High-dose lipid matrix tablets with sustained release profiles were successfully produced.

High Drug Load Lipid Matrix Tablets Prepared by Wet Granulation: PART II – Process Parameters

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA)  - Nov 2013

Yvonne Cuppok-Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud

High Drug Load Lipid Matrix Tablets Prepared by Wet Granulation: PART I – Formulation Parameters

  • Poster

AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA)  - Nov 2013

Yvonne Cuppok-Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud