All publications
In vitro lipolysis study of nanoparticulate delivery systems: solid lipid nanoparticles and nanostructured lipid carriers
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Antonio (USA) - Nov 2013
Percolation threshold of Compritol® 888 in matrix tablets: assessing the minimum concentration to create an infinite lipid network
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Antonio (USA) - Nov 2013
Sustained release levadopa mini-tablets containing Compritol® 888: a viable approach for special patient populations
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Antonio (USA) - Nov 2013
Self-formulation protocol: Part II: excipient selection, diagram design and selection of prototype formulations.
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA) - Nov 2013
Dispersion test and ternary diagramming are detailed, to determine the excipient ratios and prototype formulations
High Drug Load Lipid Matrix Tablets Prepared by Wet Granulation: PART I – Formulation Parameters
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA) - Nov 2013
High Drug Load Lipid Matrix Tablets Prepared by Wet Granulation: PART II – Process Parameters
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA) - Nov 2013
Influence of intestinal biorelevant fluids on a novel co-culture cell model able to mimic varaible permeabilities of the human intestine
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Antonio (USA) - 2013
Self-formulation protocol: Part I: Solubility determination in liquid and solid excipients
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition – San Antonio (USA) - 2013
Dispersion test and ternary diagramming are detailed, to determine the excipient ratios and prototype formulations
Self-formulation protocol: Part III: impact of lipolysis on prototype formulations
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition - San Antonio (USA) - 2013
Lipolysis test is used to determine the capacity of prototype formulations to maintain drug in solubilized state.