All publications

Biorelevant media resistant co-culture model mimicking permeability of human intestine.

  • Scientific publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 481, Issues 1–2, Pages 27-36 - Mar 2015

Delphine Antoine, Yann Pellequer, Camille Tempesta, Stefan Lorscheidt, Bernadette Kettel, Lana Tamaddon, Vincent Jannin, Frédéric Demarne, Alf Lamprecht, Arnaud Béduneau

Cell culture models are currently used to predict absorption pattern of new compounds and formulations in the human gastro-intestinal tract (GIT). One major drawback is the lack of relevant apical incubation fluids allowing mimicking luminal conditions in the GIT. Here, we suggest a culture model compatible with biorelevant media, namely Fasted State Simulated Intestinal Fluid (FaSSIF) and Fed State Simulated Intestinal Fluid (FeSSIF).

Optimizing a wet granulation process to obtain high-dose sustained-release tablets with Compritol® 888 ATO.

  • Scientific publication

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Volume 41 - Issue 10 - Feb 2015

Yvonne Rosiaux, Jean-Michel Girard, Florence Desvignes, Cédric Miolane and Delphine Marchaud

This study demonstrates how a wet granulation with Compritol® 888 is an effective approach to improve material flow and compressibility. High-dose lipid matrix tablets with sustained release profiles were successfully produced.

Evaluating the lubricant capacity of Compritol® HD 5 ATO, a water dispersible pharmaceutical lubricant.

  • Poster

66th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress – Hyderabad (India)  - Jan 2015

Ketkee Deshmukh, Gayatri Khanvilkar, Chhanda Kapadia

Exploring the possible relationship between the drug release of Compritol®-containing tablets and its polymorph forms using micro X-ray diffraction

  • Scientific publication

Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 197, Pages 158-164 - Jan 2015

Vincent Jannin; Stéphanie Chevrier; Cédric Miolane; Margaux Metin; Hamza Benhaddou; Yann Chavant; Fred Monsuur; Frédéric Demarne