Nos publications
Lipid excipients to unlock oral bioavailability issues
American Pharmaceutical Review - fév 2021
Table of content:
Chapter I : Lipids, reliable partners to enhance oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs
Chapter II : Lipids to enhance the intestinal permeability of poorly permeable drugs
Chapter III : Targeting lymphatic absorption with appropriate lipid excipients selection
Chapter IV : Mitigating food effect with lipid-based formulations
Chapter V : Gattefossé range of functional excipients
for oral bioavailability enhancement

Solid lipid Nanocarriers diffuse effectively through mucus and enter intestinal cells – but where is my peptide?
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 586, 119581 - aou 2020
This study aimed to evaluate the potential of Hydrophobic Ion Pairing combined with Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLC) to improve peptide transport across the intestinal border using Caco-2 cell monolayers (enterocyte-like model) and Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-cultured monolayers (mucin-secreting model).
This study showed that hydrophobic ion pairing enabled high encapsulation efficiency of peptide in SLN and NLC. The lipid-based nanocarriers were highly internalized by Caco-2 cell monolayers and were able to cross the mucus barrier (Caco-2/HT29-MTX cell model). However, the peptide intestinal transport was limited by an extensive release from the carriers.
Solid lipid nanocarrier development toolbox for increasing oral bioavailability of API
American Pharma Review, May-June 2020 issue, pp 69-75 - mai 2020
In this comprehensive article, the author describes the latest tools available to develop solid lipid nanoparticles: how to prepare and characterize solid lipid nanoparticles, how to evaluate encapsulation efficiency and intestinal permebility.
DOs and DON’Ts for developing successful SEDDS formulations to enhance API bioavailability
Tablets&Capsules, p.37-39 - avr 2020
A proof-of-concept for developing oral lipidized peptide Nanostructured Lipid Carrier formulations
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 54, 101394 - déc 2019
A proof-of-concept for developing oral lipidized peptide Nanostructured Lipid Carrier formulations
Gelucire 48/16® for Type-IV Lipid Based Formulations and Their In Vitro In Vivo Performance Evaluation
AAPS PharmSci360 – San Antonion (USA) - nov 2019
In vitro evaluation of leuprolide-containing solid lipid-based nanosuspensions: ability to encapsulate, release, protect and permeate in the gastrointestinal tract
AAPS PharmSci360 – San Antonion (USA) - nov 2019
In this study the authors obtained solid lipid nanoparticles using high pressure homogeneization, in which leuprolide was included as an ion pair. The nanoparticles were shown to be internalized by Caco-2 and Caco-2/HT29-MTX cell monolayers.
Synergising excipients to boost skin delivery. A case study with lidocaine hydrochloride
Skinforum 2019 Annual Meeting – Reims (France) - sep 2019
In this study, the authors showed that combining an efficient solubilizer and penetration enhancer achieves a synergic effect which enhances the passive diffusion of LID HCl through the Strat-M membrane in this Franz cell model.
Labrasol® is an efficacious intestinal permeation enhancer across rat intestine: Ex vivo and in vivo rat studies
Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 310, Pages 115-126 - sep 2019
In this study Labrasol® ALFwas investigated as an intestinal permeation enhancer in isolated rat colonic mucosae in Ussing chamber and in rat in situ intestinal instillations.
Labrasol® ALF (4 and 8 mg/mL) enhanced the transport of the paracellular markers across colonic mucosae. The enhancement was non-damaging, transient, and molecular weight-dependent.